Lectures of our Series "Maritime Innovation Updates"

July 2024



MIU: AI-based delay estimation for freight trains

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Chhandosee Bhattacharya:

June 2024



MIU: Ship Research Simulator - Concept, Overview, and Hydrodynamics

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Ricardo Fernández:



MIU: Situationserkennung für VTS-Unterstützungssysteme

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Thomas Stach:



MIU on the spot: Planungstisch - Visualisierung digitaler Lösungen im Hafen

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Sina Willrodt:

May 2024



MIU: Zeiterfassung und Arbeitslastanalyse mit SCEDAS® Timekeeper

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Celien Bosma:



MIU: Maneuver prediction for ships based on AI to support tracking applications (EN)

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Mert Yildiz:

April 2024



MIU: Einsatz maritimer Sprachtechnologien an Bord und an Lan am Beispiel von marFM® (DE)

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Maximilian Reimann:



MIU: DIOR IT - Robotik und VR/AR Technologien zur Überwachung und Wartung (DE)

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Christian Wieck und M. Sc. Pascal Hohnrath:



MIU: marFM® - Multilingual Maritime Speech Recognizer (EN)

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Emin Nakilcioglu:

March 2024



MIU on the spot: Der mobile Schiffssimulator am Beispiel des Projektes BEYOND

Click here for the presentation of Dipl.-Ing. Robert Grundmann:



MIU: Market Insights Autonomous Maritime Systems - Results of an industrial review

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Julius Küchle und M. Sc. Jonathan Weisheit:

February 2024



MIU: Planfeststellungsver-fahren - Wie funktionieren nautische Sicherheitsanalyse?

Click here for the presentation of Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Univ. Hans-Christoph Burmeister:



MIU: Flottenweite Personaleinsatzplanung – optimiert mit SCEDAS®

Click here for the presentation of Dr.-Ing. Anisa Rizvanolli:



MIU: THEO - Fernsteuerung von Fahrzeugen in Häfen und Terminals

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Sina Willrodt and  M. Systems Eng. Holger Schulz (IML):

January 2024



MIU on the spot: Use of Remote-Controlled Tugs and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (EN)

Click here for the presentation of Dipl.-Ing. Nico Zantopp and M. Sc. Pascal Hohnrath:



MIU: Pin-Handling-mR - 3D Container Pin Classification and Segmentation (EN)

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Shubhangi Gupta:



MIU: Effiziente Terminal- und Hafenplanung durch Einsatz einer Planungsumgebung

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Dirk Mönicke:

December 2023



MIU: Mathematisch optimierte Stauplanung (DE)

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Oliver Schmitz:



MIU on the spot: Effiziente Simulation neuer Lösungen für Nautik und Schifffahrt

Click here for the presentation of Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Robert Grundmann:



MIU: Cybersecurity an Bord - Sicher getestet im Forschungslabor

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Philipp Sedlmeier:

November 2023



MIU: Quantencomputing in der maritimen Logistik: Vorstellung des MIRP-Demonstrators

Click here for the video of M. Sc. Oliver Szal:



MIU: Das Labor für autonome Systeme

Click here for the video of M. Sc. Vincent Schneider and Sascha Rübsamen:



MIU: Smart-Stack: Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für optimierten Containerumschlag

Click here for the presentation of M. Sc. Oliver Schmitz:



MIU: AGenC - Automatische Modellgenerierung von cyber-physischen Systemen (CPS)

Sehen Sie hier die Präsentation von M. Sc. Christian Wieck:

October 2023



MIU: Remote Pilotage Part 2 Repo Man - Technical Approach and the On-Board Test



MIU: Remote Pilotage Part 1: Motivation and Relevance for Digital Boarding



MIU on the spot: Mobile Robotik im Labor Hafentechnik des Fraunhofer CML



MIU: Acquisition of simulator data with complex evaluation tasks for situational awareness (EN)

Sehen Sie hier die Präsentation von M. Sc. Hari Sundar Mahadevan:

September 2023



MIU: Data Tracking in a connected world of maritime simulation (EN)

August 2023



MIU: Maritime Traffic Network Extraction from Historical AIS Using Unsupervised Learning

Click here for the presentation of  M. Sc. Mert Yildiz:

July 2023



MIU on the spot: The Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Laboratory with Project Example (EN)

Click here for the presentation of  M. Sc. Thomas Stach:



MIU: Feasibility study for the application of pantograph in hybrid and e-straddle carriers at container terminals

Click here for the presentation of  M. Sc. Rachit Shrivastava:

June 2023



Premiere of MIU on the spot: The radio and bridge laboratory at the Fraunhofer CML (DE)

Click here for the presentation of  Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jan Solle:



MIU: Datenaustausch im maritimen Umfeld

Click here for the presentation of  M. Sc. Olaf Rendel:

May 2023



MIU: Big-Data-Analytics zur Zustandsüberwachung und -diagnose von Antriebsmaschinen (DE)

Click here for the presentation of  M. Sc. Christoph Martius:



MIU: Workload Forecasting of a Logistic Node Using Bayesian Neural Networks (EN)

Click here for the presentation of  M. Sc. Emin Nakilcioglu:

April 2023



MIU: Einsatz von Biosensoren für Positioning, Navigation und Timing (PNT-) Technologien

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Elisabeth Banken:



MIU: SCEDAS – Planungsalgorithmen aus der Schifffahrt für Personaleinsatzplanung im Gesundheitswesen (DE)

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Celien Bosma and M. Sc. Andrea Raida:



MIU: Automatic Speech Recognition for Maritime Radio Communication (EN)

Click here for the presentation of  M.Sc. Emin Nakilcioglu:

March 2023



MIU: Priority-based approach for timely container delivery (EN)

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Chhandosee Bhattacharya:



MIU: SeaClear robots fighting marine pollution - Sea Trials in Hamburg and Marseille (EN)

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Cosmin Delea:



MIU: Wasserstoffbasierte Energieträger und Brennstoffzellen - Herausforderungen in der Schifffahrt

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Johannes Stader:

February 2023



MIU: Improvement in System Identification for Surface and Underwater Vehicles based on AI Algorithms

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Ricardo Francisco Suárez Fernández:



MIU: COLREGs-Navigation Origins – Rückschau auf die ersten In-Situ-Versuche 2017

Sehen Sie hier den Vortrag von Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Hans-Christoph Burmeister:

January 2023



MIU: Maritimes Routing durch Quantum Computing

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Sebastian Rubbert:



MIU: Automatisierung des Pin-Handlings bei Containertragwagen

Click here for the presentation of Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Johann Bergmann:

December 2022



MIU: AIS Data Analysis – Quantifying delays and travel times

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Julius Küchle:



MIU: Obstacle Avoidance in Port Environments

Click here for the presentation of Dipl. Ing. Nico Zantopp:

November 2022



MIU: Application of Additive Manufacturing in Maritime Research

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Vincent Schneider:



MIU: Grüner Wasserstoff - Alternativen für den Wasserstofftransport

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc.: Patrick Zimmerman



MIU: Herausforderungen bei Prüfung und Zulassung von KI-Systemen

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Thomas Stach and M.Sc. Paul Koch:

October 2022



MIU: Flexible und kollaborative Zeitfensterbuchung in Containerterminals - Vorstellung Projekt FLEXIKING

Click here for the presentation of M.Sc. Oliver Schmitz:



MIU: AIRTUBE - Effizienter Transport von Flüssigkeiten in Rohren durch Luftschmierung

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Jonathan Weisheit:



MIU: marFM - Herausforderungen und Chancen maritimer Spracherkennung

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Maximilian Reimann:

September 2022



MIU: An Update to FIP-S2@Novia

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Hannah Pache:



MIU: Der Einfluss von Pre-Gates auf die JIT-Ankunft von LKW an RoRo-Terminals

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Sina Willrodt:



MIU: i-MASTER – New approaches in maritime-simulator based education

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Arbresh Ujkani:

August 2022



MIU - Schiffsrumpfinspektion mit SeaML:SeaLion

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Nico Zantopp:



MIU: Projekt MARIA Zustandsüberwachung und Anomaliedetektion für Antriebsmotoren von Binnenschifffen

Click here to watch the presentation of Dr. -Ing. Miriam Zacharias:



MIU: Bridge XR: Recent Advances in Extended Reality (XR) Development for Ship Bridges

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Mikael Manngard:

July 2022



Statistical and AI-based risk analyses of OWP – a comparison (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Hans-Christoph Burmeister und M.Sc. Mert Yildiz:



SINAV - Entwicklung einer intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche für Schiffsführungssysteme (DE)

Sehen Sie hier den Vortrag von Dipl.-Ing. Robert Grundmann:



Innovative Hull Coating AIRCOAT - Results of the Research Project (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Johannes Oeffner:



The Battery Hot Swap system for continuous port infrastructure inspection (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Vincent Schneider:

Juni 2022



Ship Hull Inspection and Thickness Measurement using a Magnetic Crawler (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Elisabeth Banken:



Windantriebssysteme für Handelsschiffe - ein Überblick

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Nils Hagemeister:



Mobile Robotics in Port Operations (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Kaushalkumar Patel:

May 2022



MIU: LEAS: Mit intelligenten Entscheidungsunterstützungssystemen in Verkehrszentralen Gefahren frühzeitig erkennen

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Thomas Stach:



MIU: B ZERO: Object annotation for situational awareness of autonomous navigation (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Paul Koch:



Value creation through peak shaving (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Julius Küchle:

April 2022



Von der Natur lernen: bionisches Knowhow für die maritime Wirtschaft

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Elisabeth Banken:



Der maritime Digitale Zwilling – Herausforderungen, Chancen und Praxisbeispiele

Click here to watch the presentation of Dr.-Ing. Miriam Zacharias:



Besatzungsplanung 2.0: Zuverlässige Crew-Planung durch effiziente Planungsalgorithmen

Click here to watch the presentation of Dipl.-Ing. Anisa Rizvanolli:



Smart Ferry – Ankunftszeitprognose im wasserseitigen Personennahverkehr

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Oliver Schmitz:

March 2022



BEYOND – Methoden zur Evaluation aktueller und zukünftiger Navigationssysteme

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Stephanie Hochgeschurz and Dipl.-Ing. Robert Grundmann:



Optimierung im Containerhandling – Bilderkennung von Zustand und Schäden

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Steffen Klöver:



Remote-Controlled Tugs - Results of the Field Trials (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Pascal Hohnrath:



Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Augmented Reality: ein Leitfaden für AR-Projekte (DE)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Maximiliane Lorenz from Fraunhofer IML:

February 2022



Voyage Management (SCEDAS) (DE)

Click here to watch the presentation:



Mit Big Data Analytics durch die Supply-Chain-Krise (DE)

Click here to watch the presentation:



VR-Anwendungen im maritimen Trainingsbereich am Beispiel Fast Rescue Boat (DE)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Arbresh Ujkani:



Zuverlässige Prognosen von CO2-Emissionen mit AIS- und Wetterdaten (DE)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Manfred Constapel:

January 2022



Machine Learning Based Sensor Fusion and Object Tracking Methods in Maritime Applications (EN)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Mert Yildiz:



Mobile Robotik in der Hafenlogistik (DE)

Click here to watch the presentation of M.Sc. Jonas Herzfeld:



Revitalisierung innerstädtischer Wasserwege, eine Lösung auch für Hamburg? (DE)

Click here to watch the presentation of Dipl.-Ing Ralf Fiedler:



SCEDAS®–Optimized Crew and Maintenance Scheduling

Click here to watch the video of Dipl.-Ing IIW Anisa Rizvanolli und Dipl.-Ing. Jens Stroeber:



AI-based Prediction Model for more efficient empty container depots (EN)

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Emin Nakilcioglu:



Fleet Management Systems - Marktüberblick, Trends und Entwicklungen (DE, Wdh.)

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Maximilian Reimann:



Einsatz von Computational Fluid Dynamics in maritimen Anwendungen (DE)

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Nils Hagemeister:



Quantum computing in maritime logistics

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Sebastian Rubbert:



Robotic Vessels as a Service: a Demonstration

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Cosmin Delea:



SCIPPER -Sensorbox - Entwicklung und erste Ergebnisse (DE)

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Jonathan Weisheit:



News from EMSN Connect - The connected navigator

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Pascal Hohnrath:



SeaLion: A modular Autonomous Surface Vehicle for maritime assistances services

Sehen Sie hier den Vortrag von Dipl.-Ing. Nico Zantopp:



Autonomous Navigation in the B ZERO Project - Technical Integration

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Paul Koch:



Professional simulation training and its extensions with new virtual technologies

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Jenny Lauronen, Novia University of Applied Sciences:



Technology test-beds for smart vessels (EN)

Click here to watch the video of M.Sc. Hannah Pache:



Technology meets good seamanship: Introducing the (directors of the) new German-Finnish research platform FIP-S2@Novia

Click here to watch the video of Mrs. Mirva Salokorpi and Mr. Hans-Christoph Burmeister:



Performance Prediction and Weather Routing of Wind Assisted Ships

Click here to watch the video of M. Eng. Nils Hagemeister:



Supply and Demand of Empty Containers – Digital solutions can help improve availability

Click here to watch the video of:

M. Sc. David Amézquita (xChange Solutions GmbH)
B. Sc. Amine Ighiri (xChange Solutions GmbH)
Dipl.-Ing. oec. Lutz Kretschmann (Fraunhofer CML)
M. Sc. Christoph Martius (Fraunhofer CML)


News from the European Maritime Simulator Network EMSN

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties we cannot provide the video of Dipl.-Ing. Robert Grundmann. 



AI for the Unmanned Bridge: Use of Exptert Systems in the Maritime Domain

Click here to watch the video of M. Sc. Paul Koch:



Decision Support for Crew Scheduling on Board (EN)

Click here to watch the video of Dipl.-Ing. IIW Anisa Rizvanolli:



Planned Maintenance and Crew Scheduling for Shipping Companies (EN)

Click here to watch the video of Dipl.-Ing. IIW Anisa Rizvanolli:



Task Based Workload Documentation on Board (EN)

Click here to watch the video of Dipl.-Ing. IIW Anisa Rizvanolli:



Increased Resilience of Maritime Positioning by Means of Terrestrial Systems (EN)

Click here to watch the video of M. Sc. Paul Koch:



Autonomous Vehicles` Impact on Port Infrastructure Requirements (EN)

Click here to watch the video of Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Fiedler:



Establishing Online Presence of Robotic Services through Web User Interfaces

Click here to watch the video of M. Sc. Ching Nok Au:



MASS R&D activities in Germany: An overview for international participants

Click here to watch the video of Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Hans-Christoph Burmeister:



Hydrogen in transport: its potentials for adding value to the maritime economy.

Click here to watch the video of Dr.-Ing. Jonathan Köhler:



AI - what is that actually good for?

Click here to watch the video of M. Sc. Ashwarya Kumar:



(How) Can robots clean up our mess?

Click here to watch the video of M. Sc. Cosmin Delea: