Newsletters 2021

Newsletter 4.21 of 08.12.2021. Topics: Digitalization of maritime services in the supply industry, automation and simulation of maritime shipping, emission measurement in maritime transport.

Newsletter 3.21 from 24.09.2021. Topics: The Future of Maritime Transportation: The CML at the ITS World Congress - Smart Logistics and Networked Ports

Newsletter 2.21 from 16.06.2021. Topics: Biological transformation - for sustainable value generation, innovative concept Water Cargo Barge - Brings goods to rivers and canals in Hamburg? On the way to the autonomous ship? Automation in maritime shipping. 

Newsletter 1.21 from 18.03.2021. Topics: Artificial intelligence for port terminals - current market overview published, flexible workforce planning - mastering new requirements efficiently, hydrogen - added value for the maritime industry and logistics