Current Challenges
Shipbuilding suppliers face many challenges. Covering the breadth of digitization options requires human resources that are not available to every company at all times. The CML's experts are available as an external research resource for individual developments, also together with our clients. Various testbeds are available in our modern laboratories, and we offer innovative cooperative opportunities for collaboration in Enterprise Labs.

Why CML?
The Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML develops innovative solutions for the maritime sector and the associated supply chain. Our researchers come from shipping and shipbuilding, robotics and computer science and are passionately committed to the development and implementation of new hardware solutions, for example for ship inspection and maintenance. They also integrate existing systems into the digital world using camera and sensor solutions. The experts use a comprehensive research infrastructure to solve logistical issues. In the innovation field of ship technology, these are specifically
- ship handling simulators that are integrated into the European Maritime Simulator Network (EMSN), which is operated and established by the CML
- autonomous research vessels
- 3D printing laboratory
- laboratory for transmission and direction finding technology: ship-to-shore communication
- AR/VR Lab for the development and testing of virtual solutions for bridge and navigation