
Project Description

Project Goals: 

Work processes in inland and seaports are to be supported and optimized with the help of computer-based augmented reality (AR) enhancements.


In four test environments, different use cases for AR deployment will be implemented and tested in practice. For example, employees will be shown additional information about their environment in the field of vision of a pair of data glasses and thus receive support for carrying out their activities. 

Role of the CML in InnoPortAR:

In the InnoPortAR project, the Fraunhofer CML is responsible in particular for requirements analysis, transferability of project results, and scientific exploitation.

Project Consortium:

Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML, Fraunhofer IML, Materna AG Information & Communications, Materna TMT, CTD Dortmund (associated partner), Eurogate (associated partner), Haeger & Schmidt (associated partner).

InnoPortAR is funded by the BMVI with 2.5 million euros. Duration: October 2018 to September 2021.